From Revolution to Republic: The Neill Household (1792-1803) is located on our Historic Lewes Town Campus in the Burton-Ingram House. It shares innovative and inclusive Lewes-based narratives that coincide with the community’s revolutionary experience. This honest reinterpretation creates an immersive atmosphere, curating the society’s c. 1785 Burton Ingram House to now reflect the home of Revolutionary War veteran Colonel Henry Neill, his wife Mary, and the seven enslaved people that lived and worked in this space. This exhibition will see the dining room, parlor, and garret furnished according to the Neill family inventory. By depicting the living quarters and experiences of these enslaved people, juxtaposed with the opulent spaces occupied by Neill and his guests, this exhibit not only provides a fuller rendering of Delaware’s past but highlight the often-contradictory revolutionary ideals that followed in the wake of 1776.