The Royal Navy’s decisive victory over the combined French and Spanish fleets at the Battle of Trafalgar on October 21, 1805, had a resounding impact across the seas. While the beloved Vice-Admiral Nelson was mortally wounded in this engagement, the British victory solidified their claim to Rule the Waves. To this day, the engagement and Nelson’s heroic death are celebrated on both sides of the Atlantic with an evening steeped in naval tradition, song, toasts, and merriment.
Please join Historic Lewes as we commemorate Trafalgar Night with an intimate evening set in the early 1800s. Historians in naval attire will set the atmosphere and guide you through the traditions of this historic evening. Period libations will be provided by the Sussex Tavern with music by Forbes Road Frolic and dinner courtesy of the always incredible Kindle restaurant.
- Dress is black tie, military equivalent, or period attire
- Cocktail hour and a silent auction begin at 5 PM followed by dinner
We would love to have you join us as we raise support for the Cannonball House and raise our glasses to “The Immortal Memory!”